Calling for information, they issued a photograph of a man, dressed in a white shirt and jacket and wearing a dark hat as he pushed a luggage trolley through the airport.
Calling for information, they issued a photograph of a man, dressed in a white shirt and jacket and wearing a dark hat as he pushed a luggage trolley through the airport.
The first arrivals at the terminal on the U.S.-Mexico border flew Wednesday morning from Mexico City to Tijuana, Mexico.
Trained dogs found the hidden drugs.
The former coach of the Mexico's national soccer team said he didn't punch the TV Azteca sports commentator, it was just a "slap."
The new airport project is aimed at eventually turning Mexico City into a major regional air hub with six runways serving up to 120 million passengers a year.
The 23-year-old student pilot Omar Huizar Villalobos suffered no serious injuries just a nervous breakdown.
The Mexico's national soccer team will face Brazil on Sunday.