More pilot whales were found stranded in Australia on Wednesday, raising the estimated total to nearly 500, in the largest mass stranding ever recorded in the country
More pilot whales were found stranded in Australia on Wednesday, raising the estimated total to nearly 500, in the largest mass stranding ever recorded in the country
Sea lions are a protected species in Mexico but are not considered in danger of extinction
Wildlife officials said the bear was no longer afraid of humans
Wildlife officials have said this kind of interaction is unusual and caused by human beings
Experts are trying to save the Mexican gray wolf from extinction
Environmental activist and academics have slammed the decision
Last week, Grupo México spilled a significant amount of sulfuric acid into the Sea of Cortés. Although they reported the spill was of 3,000 liters of the acid, their reports and times do not match, suggesting that the spill was bigger than declared
After the spill of 3 thousand liters of sulfuric acid in the Sea of Cortés by Grupo México, dozens of species have been found dead and many others are in danger
In 2014, the company spilled a poisonous substance into the Sonora river
Experts identified 4,239 animals from 119 species between March 13 and April 1, 2019, in the area