An estimated 25 people, including at least three children, were killed and nearly 300 injured on Sunday in the most violent eruption of Guatemala’s Fuego volcano in more than four decades
Paricutín is the youngest volcano in the world
The eruptions cap about 10 days of periodic exhalations at the volcano, which is one of Mexico's most active
Pico de Orizaba, which is also known by its original name Citlaltéptl, is nearly 18,500 feet tall and is the third highest mountain in North America.
The state of emergency has been called off for the Comala and Cuauhtémoc municipalities in Colima
6-mile exclusion zone established at the Montegrande canyon area
According to the report, two explosions were also observed.
The volcano erupted in the early hours of the day.
110 long-period events and five explosions were also reported.
Two explosions were also recorded.