The game will mark the 27th NBA game in the country!
In November, she made history becoming the first Mexican gymnast to win a medal in an international competition
The rowers won the LM2x race of the Pan American Qualification Regatta in Rio de Janeiro
The National Women’s Soccer Team has qualified for the first time in the Uruguay World Final 2018
The NFL returned USD $14.5 million the Mexican Ministry of Tourism paid for the match to be played in the country
The match was canceled after it was revealed that the playing surface at Estadio Azteca didn't fulfill the NFL standards
The NFL informed that the game would be moved due to the Azteca Stadium's poor field conditions
The Mexican golfer worked in the U.S. as an undocumented migrant before becoming a professional golfer
Mexico’s National Fishing Team won two silver medals at the 14th World Bass Fishing Championship
Moreno won the bronze medal in the jump final at the World Gymnastics Championship in Quatar