“Pago por ver”
The iPad - is that a phone or a computer? If I put it on my wall is it a TV? ― Chad Hurley
The iPad - is that a phone or a computer? If I put it on my wall is it a TV? ― Chad Hurley
Much of human history has consisted of unequal conflicts between the haves and the have-nots. Jared Diamond, ”Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies”
“No cord or cable can draw so forcibly, or bind so fast, as love can do with a single thread” Robert Burton
“La decisión que tomen, que sea con pasión. Si deciden trabajar o investigar, sean los mejores y si deciden emprender, ¡cambien al mundo!” - @EnriqueJacobR
“Wherever there is modularity there is the potential for misunderstanding: Hiding information implies a need to check communication.” - Alan J. Perlis-
“Una onza de desempeño vale más que varias libras de promesas. ” ― Mae West
“Like a man who has been dying for many days, a man in your city is numb to the stench.” ― Chief Seattle
“No nos estamos riendo de ti, nos estamos riendo cerca de ti.” -John Keating (interpretado por Robin Williams)
“Without conscious and deliberate effort, inertia always wins” - Tony Hsieh
“La televisión debe evitar el presentar siempre la realidad color de rosa.” -René Schenker