In the face of economic contraction, is this the only option left?
In the face of economic contraction, is this the only option left?
Debating whether Mexico succumbed to a mild recession or economic stagnation in 2019 is useless
The numbers contrast with López Obrador's presidential campaign
López Obrador has acknowledged his government must do more to improve security
Gross domestic product grew by 0.1%
Amid discussions of a possible recession in the country, the Mexican Ministry of Finance will deploy MXN $485 billion to impulse the economy
Due to difficulties like an expensive USD, threats on tariffs, pressure on lowering the price of food and energetics, the increase of unemployment, and other factors, Banxico alerts of a possible mild recession
"We have estimated that if NAFTA were eliminated in its totality the GDP fall could be around 2.7 percent," said U.N. executive secretary Alicia Barcena.