There are 20 companies responsible to send into the environment 35% of greenhouse gases, that is 480 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide and methane, mainly for the combustion of their products
There are 20 companies responsible to send into the environment 35% of greenhouse gases, that is 480 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide and methane, mainly for the combustion of their products
The federal government has recently launched two projects that contradict the Paris Agreement
Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto has called for joint action against global warming during his visit to Paris
One Planet Summit aims to reaffirm the commitments to implementing the Paris Agreement
Mexico has reduced its GHG in 5 million tonnes since 2007, according to Mexican delegation at UN Climate Change Conference
Climate change is a problem which concerns all of us, because, on the face of natural catastrophes, borders, religion or power will matter little
Globally, the largest source of greenhouse gases comes from the generation of electricity, but in Mexico, this place is occupied by transportation.
The Paris Agreement was adopted by 195 countries, but since his campaign, President Donald Trump considered the possibility of withdrawing
Mexico's Patricia Espinosa is at odds with Trump, who is skeptical that man-made emissions cause climate change.
Patricia Espinosa said in a statement Thursday that she is "grateful and honored" to be named executive secretary of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change.