Facebook, Google, Twitter, Mercado Libre, and Airbnb are among the digital companies that asked Mexican authorities for more time to comply with the new rules of the 2020 Tax Package
Facebook, Google, Twitter, Mercado Libre, and Airbnb are among the digital companies that asked Mexican authorities for more time to comply with the new rules of the 2020 Tax Package
In Mexico, the number of women working in science and technology has decreased in recent years
The managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) warned that poverty should be addressed without delay
Economic growth in Mexico, Latin America’s second-largest economy, is seen dipping this year
Mexico showed a deficit in hospital levels for all three levels of care, according to the OECD
The IMCO called on governments to design and implement strategic mobility plans that prioritize pedestrians
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's (OECD) General Secretary, José Ángel Gurría talked to EL UNIVERSAL about Mexico's biggest challenges
The level of skills and abilities of Mexican students remain "extremely low," despite all the efforts Mexico has made to improve in education
It is expected that the economy will realign by the implementation of structural reforms, thus Mexico economic growth will be closing this year at 2.4% compared to the expected 1.9% while it is expected to be 2.2% by 2018
Mexico's rate is 18.6% higher than the 53.9% average rate of the 34 OECD countries