When corruption hinders progress
Mexico will have to adopt anti-corrupt measures if it wants to be part of transcendental trade agreements
Mexico will have to adopt anti-corrupt measures if it wants to be part of transcendental trade agreements
In no city or country should people see law enforcement agents as agents to be feared and dreaded
An escaped inmate database is vital for the Mexican criminal justice system
Different points of view should be seen as something favorable in a democratic society as these differences allow citizens to form their own opinions
We have scientists, scholars, athletes, and artists who elevate our country at an international level but their success was achieved without the support of the government
The most powerful country in the world was shut down due to a division of opinion
The quantity of credit cards in circulation has increased exponentially, attracting the attention of criminal groups
Shop robberies are extremely damaging to our national economy because it's exactly the small and medium enterprises which support the most number of families in Mexico
Never before had so many former Governors in Mexico faced criminal proceedings for corruption yet the allegations weren't enough to have them investigated during their administrations
One of the greatest advantages of having Mexico in the international scene is that we are being examined by organizations advocating for free and democratic societies