Trudeau has taken a low-key approach toward Trump, a Republican who campaigned on a pledge to toughen U.S. immigration policies and renegotiate the NAFTA among Canada, the United States and Mexico
Trudeau has taken a low-key approach toward Trump, a Republican who campaigned on a pledge to toughen U.S. immigration policies and renegotiate the NAFTA among Canada, the United States and Mexico
"Both leaders agreed to keep in close contact and intensify their teams' work to speed up the integration of a stronger and more prosperous North America," the statement said
The promotion activities undertaken by the Canadian business community, specially that of Quebec and the Maritime Provinces of Canada proved useful as the NAFTA included all three North American countries
North American free trade might be under threat, but Mexicans will soon import a big taste of Canada.
"Mexico is in a terrible, terrible position. We are not," said a Canadian person involved on the trade file.
Trump wants to renegotiate the NAFTA between Mexico, the United States and Canada, and would move to withdraw if no "fair deal" is forthcoming
Both leaders agree to pool their efforts to promote economic integration in the North American region
The leaders of Mexico and Canada will hold talks on the potential impact that a Trump presidency could have on NAFTA
Canada's finance minister Bill Morneau said the advantages the three countries have in trading were demonstrable
As worries loom over the future of Mexican tourists and immigrants in the U.S., Canada's Trudeau lifts visa requirement for Mexican tourists.