On Monday, Mexico City's Attorney General acknowledged the existence of a violence crisis
On Monday, Mexico City's Attorney General acknowledged the existence of a violence crisis
The list Encinas provided did not seem to include the 38 bodies recently found in Guadalajara
PRI leader Claudia Ruiz Massieu condemned the attack and demanded justice Gilberto Muñoz Mosqueda
Héctor Domínguez had been attacked on September 29, 2018, when he was shot twice but survived
Durazo emphasized the importance of the National Guard and how it will help solve the security problems in each of the regions
Some drug cartels manipulate minors, using them to sell drugs or as watchmen, in charge of reporting the presence of soldiers, police officers, or strangers
Paramedics helped a man with gunshot wounds, when several armed men blocked the road, threatened them, and kidnapped the wounded man
Several other journalists has been murdered in 2019 alone, and dozens of them have been murdered in Mexico in the last decade
In late 2018 and early 2019, an outbreak of deaths and attacks against girls has taken over the State of Mexico
In his article, he mentioned the origins and the way the Sinaloa cartel operated under Guzmán and linked them to locals