Mexico approves minimum wage hike
The daily minimum wage will increase from 73.04 pesos to 80.04 pesos, around 3.85 dollars per day, starting on January 1.
The daily minimum wage will increase from 73.04 pesos to 80.04 pesos, around 3.85 dollars per day, starting on January 1.
The bill will bump the state's US$10 hourly minimum by 50 cents next year and to US$11 in 2018.
In a radio interview Mexico City mayor said that the proposal is supported by 18 states of the country.
The National Minimum Wage Commission (Conasami) agreed to standardize the country's A and B economic zones.
Some economists, activists and regulators predict that without stronger enforcement, the number of workers getting cheated out of a legal wage is bound to increase in places where wages rise.