Mexico's central bank’s board members argued that emerging risk will make it difficult to bring inflation to the bank’s 3% target in 2020
Mexico's central bank’s board members argued that emerging risk will make it difficult to bring inflation to the bank’s 3% target in 2020
Experts said a large hike could make it challenging for Mexico’s central bank to keep core inflation under control
The Mexican government is planning to introduce a specific minimum wage for 2 million domestic workers in order to boost their labor rights
Mexico raised the daily minimum wage in January by 16% under President Andrés Manuel Lépez Obrador
Last month, Mexico raised the daily minimum wage by 16% under new President Andrés Manuel López Obrador
The strikes have affected 45 factories since they began on Friday, said Luis Aguirre, president of a national board representing exporting manufacturers
The decree seeks to give an edge to northern Mexican businesses, which compete with U.S.-based companies across the border
President López Obrador's administration, business sector, and the workers have agreed on a new wage policy
During the previous presidency, high formal employment rates were registered but it was known that around 20 million workers earned only two minimum wages, less than MXN $5,000
AMLO proposes an annual increase to the minimum wage, hopes to lower poverty