The teachers have experience working with displaced children in Latin America
The teachers have experience working with displaced children in Latin America
A man opened fire at a Walmart store in El Paso, Texas, on Saturday, killing 20 people and wounding 26 others as panicked shoppers and employees scurried for cover before the gunman surrendered to police
In recent days, the Federal Police was accused harassing a migrant shelter
The majority of the victims were small children
After there were reports claiming that the men could be in Mexico, they were located in Nicaragua
These tourists visiting the shelters in Tijuana do not seem to be members of humanitarian organizations or students
Irineo Mujica and Cristóbal Sánchez were accused of human trafficking by migrants
For decades, Mexico welcomed Spanish, Chilean, Argentinian, and Uruguayan refugees
Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL
Economy Minister Graciela Márquez said that Trump's tariffs on Mexican exports would impact all 50 U.S. states