Researchers found that endophytic fungi can help to give plants a defense mechanism for external plagues
Mexican scientists from ITESM achieve the impossible by solving a centuries-old problem of optical physics that not even Newton could figure out
To bring his idea to life, the lawyer sought researchers from the UNAM's Faculty of Sciences, with support from the National Laboratory of Biomimetic Solutions for Diagnosis and Therapy
The UNESCO named Ana Sofía Varela Gasque as one of the 15 most promising young scientists around the world
Nanosatellites have technological, social and environmental applications
Scientists from Mexico's top university have found a possible cure for gastrointestinal diseases, such as gastritis
This scientific achievement was accomplished through photodynamic therapy, a non-invasive technique
Scientists from the Cinvestav created a robot to produce topological maps of reef areas
Vegan leather is an alternative to the fur industry since they can create various products with materials that resemble leather but with a minor impact on the environment
Guillermo Valdés was part of the team who detected the first gravitational waves