DHS says the number of Central Americans recently apprehended on the Mexico border once again surpassed the number of Mexicans who were stopped
DHS says the number of Central Americans recently apprehended on the Mexico border once again surpassed the number of Mexicans who were stopped
Many in trade-dependent Nuevo Laredo fear Trump's proposed policies could threaten the city's economic future and they hope Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton wins the Nov. 8 election
Thousands of Haitians are currently massed in Tijuana and other Mexican border towns, and Mexico says 300 more arrive in the country every day.
Since the start of the budget year in October, more than 51,100 people traveling as families and more than 43,000 unaccompanied children have been caught illegally crossing the Mexican border.
U.S. Authorities say the two brothers wanted in the disappearance and presumed slayings of a Washington state couple may be heading for the Mexican border.
Agents in two of the most remote and least busy sectors along the Mexican border reported using some types of force more often than many of their colleagues in more urban areas.
CBP officers discovered 12 packages of suspected narcotics worth US$256,000 in a BMW SUV that arrived from Mexico.
Cruz, the son of a Cuban immigrant, wants to dramatically increase deportations, add hundreds of miles to the wall on the Mexican border and reverse every immigration order signed by President Barack Obama.
The officer claims that someone was pointing at him with a gun from the Mexican side.
"English is the language of our country and people that come to this country need to learn English. That doesn’t mean they should stop speaking their native tongue" Bush said.