The modifications include 61 additional kilometers in contrast with the original project
The modifications include 61 additional kilometers in contrast with the original project
The Mayan Train chose diesel over electricity arguing the latter would be more expensive
President López Obrador resumed his activities amid the COVID-19 pandemic
The fourth Mayan Train stretch will cover 257km in southeastern Mexico
The consortium will build 172km of the Mayan Train project
The second Mayan Train stretch goes from Escárcega to Calkini
The first Mayan train stretch goes from Palenque to Escárcega and is 227 km long
Unesco will accompany the integral project of the Mayan Train since it comprises six World Heritage sites and 35 sites with exceptional universal value
Some sections of the Mayan Train and most of the kilometers of the current railroad network have a common origin: the Porfiriato. Projected with similar objectives, different perspectives, and challenges, only time will tell about their impact
The process will consider the opinion of 3,425 local traditional authorities, of which 40% corresponds to the indigenous population