The Recreational Boxing Training program began two years ago for the inmates at the woman’s prison in Morelos
The Recreational Boxing Training program began two years ago for the inmates at the woman’s prison in Morelos
By recycling aluminum cans, this Foundation aims to raise funds to help children with cancer
To El Borceguí Footwear museum
A Mexican businessman, who asked not to be named because he did not want publicity, purchased the fossil for his collection
“One has to try to make them happy, regardless of the circumstances.”
Coco Bongo doubles as a school in Juchitán since thousands of children haven't resumed classes since the earthquake
Female inmates knit rescue dogs to aid the earthquake victims
Acknowledges each and every volunteer, rescuer and anonymous hero
In Mexico City, Morelos and Oaxaca
Similar scenarios are repeated all over the world since the Mexican community strongly believes that even from far away, everybody can help