Prosecutors charged three state officers with homicide after a bloody prison brawl that ended with 49 dead.
Prosecutors charged three state officers with homicide after a bloody prison brawl that ended with 49 dead.
Two of the victims are female.
At least 20 people died and others were taken hostage when Islamist gunmen stormed the hotel in the capital city of Burkina Faso on Friday.
Prosecutors say the crimes were related to sex and drugs, and the characteristics could link Andrés Ulises Castillo Villarreal to 12 other killings.
The bodies were found in Iguala and Tepecoacuilco.
One Mexican among the victims of San Bernardino mass shooting.
The attacks occurred in the turbulent southern state of Guerrero and in the border town of Rio Bravo.
Western security sources said they suspected an Islamist militant group was behind the carnage.
Authorities say 53-year-old José Manuel Martínez is being charged with first-degree murder in the slayings of two men in Florida.
The attack occurred in the state of Guerrero.