An increase of 73.9% of the incidence of high-impact crimes was hidden through the alteration of rates in the previous administration of Mexico City
An increase of 73.9% of the incidence of high-impact crimes was hidden through the alteration of rates in the previous administration of Mexico City
Norberto Ronquillo's case highlights the authorities' inability to prevent and halt crime
Until the justice system makes it easier for victims to file lawsuits, kidnap numbers will never be reliable
Mario Marín and Kamel Nacif are both wanted by the Interpol for the torture of Lydia Cacho
Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL
Some drug cartels manipulate minors, using them to sell drugs or as watchmen, in charge of reporting the presence of soldiers, police officers, or strangers
Lydia Cacho released a book denouncing a pederasty and pedophilia network, where Kamel Nacif was involved
The city's Investigation Police is looking for men who have allegedly tried to kidnap women inside and outside Mexico City's Metro
Mexican women have been sharing their harrowing experiences in Mexico City's subway system on social media
Mexico City's government can't act like it has been acting the past years, especially in regards to kidnap attempts of women in public transport and other public places