The Los Pilares dam is the latest in a series of government infrastructure projects that have caused divisions and anger in Indigenous communities
The Los Pilares dam is the latest in a series of government infrastructure projects that have caused divisions and anger in Indigenous communities
The Mayan Train chose diesel over electricity arguing the latter would be more expensive
The fourth Mayan Train stretch will cover 257km in southeastern Mexico
The consortium will build 172km of the Mayan Train project
The second Mayan Train stretch goes from Escárcega to Calkini
The first Mayan train stretch goes from Palenque to Escárcega and is 227 km long
The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board and an affiliate of Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan have offered to acquire 40% of Slim’s shares
Promotora Ideal manages highway, water treatment, electric energy generation, and social infrastructure projects across Mexico
The project called Tunicol TEP (Ecological Polystyrene Brick) was designed and made by IPN students
Slim described the prevailing conditions in Latin America’s second-largest economy as an opportunity to attract institutional investors, such as pension funds that often finance large-scale projects