GDP expanded 2.0 percent, slightly above analysts' expectations
GDP expanded 2.0 percent, slightly above analysts' expectations
Uneven demand for Mexican manufactured exports in the U.S., Mexico's top trading partner, and declining oil production have weighed on Latin America's No. 2 economy.
Mexico, the world's fifth biggest auto parts producer, exports more than 70 percent of its output, mostly to the United States.
Gross domestic product contracted by about 0.3 percent from the prior quarter, according to seasonally-adjusted data from national statistics agency (INEGI).
The total number of autos produced was 319,122 in June, up from 306,694 last year.
In 2015, new auto sales grew 19 percent to 1,351,648 vehicles, which also set a record.
For auto parts manufacturers in the Mexican state of Nuevo León, the fine print of a Pacific trade deal negotiators could make or break an export industry boom built up over the last 20 years.