A group of hospital directors claimed that not a single institute had enough resources to last through the year
A group of hospital directors claimed that not a single institute had enough resources to last through the year
Should be government implement budget cuts to an institution that provides healthcare to those in need?
The Mexican government is planning to introduce a specific minimum wage for 2 million domestic workers in order to boost their labor rights
Mexico showed a deficit in hospital levels for all three levels of care, according to the OECD
The elimination of private insurance for government workers will generate savings, according to SFP
As of January 1, 2019, ptivate insurance policies for major medical expenses were terminated
President López Obrador made a commitment to grant employee benefits to 80 thousand health workers
90% of Mexican citizens who participated in the referendum support Andrés Manuel López Obrador's 10 major policy proposals
Patients will be able to make appointments online using the IMSS Digital app for smartphones and tablets starting early next year.