Mexico's 2020 Expenditures Budget cut resources to surveillance programs in the fishing industry leaving its coasts in total vulnerability
Mexico's 2020 Expenditures Budget cut resources to surveillance programs in the fishing industry leaving its coasts in total vulnerability
If the Mexican fishing industry doesn't adapt, it will perish
Mexico’s National Fishing Team won two silver medals at the 14th World Bass Fishing Championship
The Cucapá indigenous community was affected in 1993 when the federal government forbade them from fishing
A group of researchers have developed a state-of-the-art trawl gate to improve shrimp capture in Mexico
Fisherwomen, concessionaires, and businesswomen interviewed by EL UNIVERSAL agree that permits and financial aid are obstructed by gender
In the fishing industry, 14,311 women work in the 17 coastal states in Mexico, against 158,227 men, 70% of those women don't earn a steady income
The illegal market has endangered both the vaquita and the totoaba, as the vaquita is stuck in fishing nets used for totoaba
According to SAGARPA, shrimp fishing in Mexico reached a value of MXN$7,232 million in 2016
According to SAGARPA, shrimp fishing in Mexico reached a value of MXN$7,232 million in 2016