Mexico is strategically located in the Sun Belt, which is the perfect condition to install solar panels all over the country
Mexico is strategically located in the Sun Belt, which is the perfect condition to install solar panels all over the country
The outage affected essential services such as traffic lights
Mexico's Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) gives away 350 kwh per month to each of its workers
The majority of the benefits come from the times of the so-called corporatism, when unions were seen as groups that supported political causes
The majority of the defaulting debtors are located in seven states: Mexico, Tabasco, Mexico City, Chiapas, Guanajuato, Guerrero, and Veracruz
The project dates back to 2011 when Felipe Calderón was President and during Peña Nieto's presidency, it was announced that the plan would continue but it was never implemented
Currently, there are two 240 megawatt power import contracts as part of the Mexico-Guatemala interconnection project launched in 2010
Obama will be meeting with Prime Minister Trudeau and President Peña Nieto.
The instrument will target investments in oil, electricity, water and transportation projects, according to the prospectus, which is expected to be published by the Mexican bourse this week.