Edin Carey Avendaño Hernández suffered years of sexual and physical abuse in Mexico and cannot be deported despite a felony conviction because she is protected under international anti-torture conventions.
A convicted felon who had been deported from the United States to Mexico five times, Juan Francisco López Sánchez, is facing murder charges in connection with her death.
Univision said Ramos had earlier requested an interview with Trump, which the candidate rejected before distributing Ramos' cell phone number on social media.
The Consulate General of Mexico in Boston has established contact with the victim to provide protection and legal assistance.
Rosa Robles Loreto, 42, says she is not leaving Southside Presbyterian Church until she has certainty that she will not be deported.
During an interview Wednesday on CNN, Trump said the "good ones" could return via an "expedited" process and then remain in the country legally.
More than 1,800 immigrants that the federal government wanted to deport were nevertheless released from local jails and later re-arrested for various crimes.