Por instrucciones de Sanidad Internacional en Cozumel y a solicitud de la naviera Mediterranean Shipping Company, el crucero MCS Meraviglia canceló su atraque en la terminal de cruceros Punta Langosta, en esta isla, programado para el 27 de febrero
Por instrucciones de Sanidad Internacional en Cozumel y a solicitud de la naviera Mediterranean Shipping Company, el crucero MCS Meraviglia canceló su atraque en la terminal de cruceros Punta Langosta, en esta isla, programado para el 27 de febrero
A passenger cruise ship is headed for Mexico’s port city of Cozumel after Jamaican and Grand Cayman authorities barred its passengers from disembarking due to fears of the fast-spreading coronavirus
Any Chinese person or tourist who recently visited China will be classified as a possible 2019-nCoV case
A 57-year-old man who had been living in Wuhan, China, returned to Mexico on January 15 and might be infected with the virus
Until now, no 2019-nCoV cases have been confirmed in Mexico
The new strain of coronavirus from Wuhan has the potential to expand all over the world and the Chinese government is fighting to control its propagation
The outbreak is linked to a seafood market in Wuhan, but some patients diagnosed with the new coronavirus deny exposure to this market
The World Health Organization has confirmed 6,065 cases worldwide
The new coronavirus strain behind China pneumonia outbreak is fuelling global alarm after several cases were reported in several countries
Michoacán’s Committee of Health Security activated the protocols for the evaluation of a suspected case of coronavirus reported in the city of Morelia