Dr. Hugo López-Gatell, Mexico’s COVID-19 czar, has warned that Mexico doesn’t have enough doctors to face the coronavirus pandemic
Dr. Hugo López-Gatell, Mexico’s COVID-19 czar, has warned that Mexico doesn’t have enough doctors to face the coronavirus pandemic
Very little has been said about those who can’t stay home because their labor is essential for society
Besides the struggling economy, Mexico went into a mild recession in 2019
It is impossible to halt the negative effects COVID-19 is having on the economy
Nuevo León Governor has banned the sale of beer and spirits during the quarantine
Catholics in Comitán carried out a pilgrimage to ask the Greek saint to protect Mexico from coronavirus
As the COVID-19 pandemic intensifies, it is essential to follow protective measures
Este 3 de abril, las entradas de los hoteles en la colonia Obrera anunciaban, con letreros hechos a mano, que estaban “Fuera de servicio hasta nuevo aviso” o “Cerrado por contingencia”
Wuhan is considered the epicenter of the infection from where COVID-19 spread to the world
Llama a no acaparar los modelos N95, exclusivos para personal de la salud