So far, Pemex has performed a total of 360 coronavirus tests
So far, Pemex has performed a total of 360 coronavirus tests
Donald Trump promised López Obrador that Mexico will receive the ventilators by late April
A team of almost 100 Mexican families is working together to protect doctors and nurses during the coronavirus pandemic
At least 480 El Chapo's aid boxes have been distributed in poor neighborhoods across Guadalajara, Mexico's second-largest city
El Subsecretario de Prevención y Promoción de la Salud, Hugo López-Gatell, dio a conocer los resultados del modelo Centinela
Los estados de Oaxaca y Veracruz reportan el menor número de coronavirus
The plastic industry has been affected by the ban on plastic bags in Mexico City
They are experts in carpentry, electricity, and other useful trades
The National Guard will protect healthcare facilities in 19 Mexican states
The coronavirus pandemic has caused thousands of deaths around the world