Sedena y PF arrestan a líder de 'Guerreros Unidos' y a edil de Cocula
Sedena y PF arrestan a líder de 'Guerreros Unidos' y a edil de Cocula
Seven experts from five countries have been named to carry out a new review of the area where the 43 students were allegedly incinerated.
According to the statements of Sidronio Casarrubias, the former mayor of Iguala bribed the mayors of Taxco, Cocula, Buena Vista de Cuéllar, Tepecoacuilco, Huitzuco and Teloloapan.
La procuradora sostuvo una reunión de tres horas y media con los integrantes de la Comisión Especial de Ayotzinapa de la Cámara de Diputados
Tras una reunión de tres horas y media con los integrantes de la Comisión Especial de Ayotzinapa de la Cámara de Diputados, la procuradora Arely Gómez explicó que solo un nuevo análisis de forenses de mayor prestigio acercará las posiciones de PGR y CIDH
El equipo argentino reprocha a Murillo haber dejado sin custodia el basurero
The safe house where eight of the students were presumably taken was controlled by the leader of Guerreros Unidos in Cocula and the former Deputy Director of Public Safety of Cocula.
Diecisiete personas desaparecieron de Cocula en un solo día, el 1 de julio de 2013, más de un año antes de que sucediera lo mismo con 43 estudiantes en Iguala
Seventeen people vanished from Cocula on July 1, 2013, more than a year before the disappearance of 43 college students in the nearby city of Iguala.
The experts report concluded that the testimonies may have been obtained under torture and the analysis of what happened at Cocula dump makes this version plausible.