Two of the five members of the group of experts investigating the disappearance of 43 students in Iguala urged the European Union to "support" their work because they are facing obstacles to clarify the case.
Two of the five members of the group of experts investigating the disappearance of 43 students in Iguala urged the European Union to "support" their work because they are facing obstacles to clarify the case.
The purpose is to prove or disprove the hypothesis that the bodies of the missing students of Ayotzinapa were cremated at the dump of Cocula.
Buscan que los jueces de distrito no liberen a los policías municipales de Iguala y Cocula
Familiares afirman hay anomalías; Congreso le suspende derechos políticos
La organización manifiesta su apoyo a las conclusiones del EAAF y del GIEI de que no existen evidencias que respalden la hipótesis de que en en el basurero de Cocula hayan sido incinerados los restos de los normalistas de Ayotzinapa
Erick Ulíses Ramírez Crespo is suspected of crime links.
A group of Argentine forensic experts says it has determined there's no biological or physical evidence to conclude that 43 students who disappeared in southern Mexico in 2014 were incinerated at a trash dump.
Los padres los normalistas desaparecidos destacan que la PGR debe descartar un tercer peritaje en el basurero de Cocula
From January to October, murders in Iguala were up 25 percent from the same period the previous year, with 81 deaths among a population of 150,000.