More than 2,000 Central American migrants entered southern Mexico on Thursday to get to the U.S.
Mexico hopes to discourage a mass exodus from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras
The goal is to tackle the root causes of migration with funding from Mexico, the U.S., and Canada
Mexico will deport the migrants who tried to cross the U.S. border on Sunday; López Obrador's administration could offer jobs and refuge to migrants
Migrants, not criminals
Central American migrants have left property, family, and friends behind, rather than to be at risk of being murdered by gangs
Putting generosity to the test
Throughout the 20th century, the Mexican foreign affairs policy that gained prestige for opening the door for all those who were seeking refuge or asylum
The Mexican government has committed to protect the 3,000 Honduran migrants on their way to the U.S.
For years, Central American migrants headed for the United States have illegally used "La Bestia" to travel through Mexico.
On June 10, five vehicles carrying 34 Central American migrants were apprehended while traveling together between the northern Mexican states of Zacatecas and Coahuila.
Francis has made the plight of migrants one of the hallmarks of his papacy, denouncing what he called the "globalization of indifference" toward people desperate to flee poverty and persecution.