Mexico wants to reduce its economic dependency on the U.S., and a recent auction of deep-water oil fields was notable for the pledges made by investors from China, Australia, Malaysia and elsewhere.
Mexico wants to reduce its economic dependency on the U.S., and a recent auction of deep-water oil fields was notable for the pledges made by investors from China, Australia, Malaysia and elsewhere.
About 30 minutes after Trump tweeted about Jones, the union leader started getting harassing phone calls, he told MSNBC.
"We're not really worried because tax incentives are just a one time kind of thing," responded ProMéxico's CEO to Trump's recent Carrier and Ford deals.
Bernie Sanders criticized the Carrier deal saying corporations can now threaten to send jobs abroad in exchange for tax benefits and incentives.
Carrier, una división de United Technologies Corp, informó que el estado de Indiana le ofreció 7 mdd en exenciones fiscales para convencer a la compañía de mantener 1.069 empleos en Indianápolis
"It's up to companies to take their own decisions, not politicians; that's what's done in Latin American countries that they call banana (republics) in the United States," said the official.
Hay muchísimos empleos saliendo de Estados Unidos y trasladándose a otros países", expresa Trump, tras un breve recorrido por la planta del fabricante de hornos y aires acondicionados
El presidente electo de Estados Unidos y Mike Pence se reunirán con empresarios de la fábrica durante su "gira de agradecimiento"; la compañía no moverá su planta a México pues acordó con el magnate mantenerla en Indiana
Carrier currently operates one plant in Nuevo Leon and has built but not yet occupied another one there as part of a planned $200 million expansion.