Lonnie Swartz, the Border Patrol agent who killed him, shot him nine times on the back and the head from U.S. territory.
Lonnie Swartz, the Border Patrol agent who killed him, shot him nine times on the back and the head from U.S. territory.
El agente de la Border Patrol que lo mató será juzgado en EU; en octubre de 2012 José Antonio recibió 9 tiros en Nogales
Agents in two of the most remote and least busy sectors along the Mexican border reported using some types of force more often than many of their colleagues in more urban areas.
Mexican journalist Carolina Rocha said she was struck by how quickly the men were able to climb the fence. She also was surprised that no agents responded to the incident.
The decapitated body of José Francisco Palacios-Paz, an Honduran immigrant, was found floating near Texas' South Padre Island.
Rosario Rafael Burboa Álvarez was sentenced Monday for first-degree murder in the 2010 death of Agent Brian Terry.
The officer claims that someone was pointing at him with a gun from the Mexican side.
Only about 800 of the 120,939 immigrant apprehensions made by the Border Patrol in the Tucson Sector in fiscal year 2013 were made at checkpoints. That's 0.67 percent.
The Mexican government said Thursday that it "welcomed" the decision to indict the agent.
os elementos policíacos son parte de un programa para colocar a 500 nuevos agentes a lo largo de la frontera con México en los próximos años