Peñasquito mine, one of Newmont Goldcorp’s largest, has suffered on and off blockades in recent years, most recently linked to truckers and claims its operations have affected local water supplies
Peñasquito mine, one of Newmont Goldcorp’s largest, has suffered on and off blockades in recent years, most recently linked to truckers and claims its operations have affected local water supplies
The Canadian firm has been on an ongoing legal battle with a cooperative of local miners
After Zacatecas governor Alejandro Tello went to Peñasquito mine to negotiate its opening, settlers of Mazapil pointed out that the alleged lifting of the blockade was staged, for CAVA carriers had no intention of liberating the mine
Newmont Goldcorp suspended its operations at the mine located in Zacatecas, as well as all its investments until the “illegal blockade” by a trucking contractor and members of the Cedros community is lifted
300 mine workers protested outside the local Congress and asked local lawmakers to help solve the issue
Newmont Goldcorp Chief Operating Officer, Tom Palmer, said the blockade stemmed from concerns in the local community about water supply and issues with a trucking contractor
Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL
Main Reforma avenue has been closed by the protesters.
They demand answers after the massive damage caused by last Wednesday rains.
Their ambulance was stopped for two hours during an indigenous protest.