The testy exchanges between the two candidates on Wednesday marked a notable tonal shift for a primary contest that's remained largely civil since voting began in February.
The testy exchanges between the two candidates on Wednesday marked a notable tonal shift for a primary contest that's remained largely civil since voting began in February.
Los intercambios de críticas entre ambos precandidatos fueron un notable cambio en el tono para una contienda en elecciones primarias
Donald Trump pierde en el estado, tras desatar una serie de polémicas
A majority of Republican voters say they're scared of a potential Trump presidency.
They would still face tough mathematical odds of winning their parties' nominations.
Sanders was aiming for a sweep of three Western states - Washington and Hawaii also are holding contests - that would generate more momentum in his bid to overtake Clinton.
The Democratic presidential candidate says he will fight for immigration reform while standing yards from a border fence that divides Arizona and Mexico.
And Marco Rubio is out of the race.
Hundreds of delegates are at stake in Florida, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri and North Carolina.
“Cuidado, Bernie, o mis partidarios irán a los tuyos [actos]”, le advierte en Twitter. “Es un mentiroso patológico”, responde el demócrata