The López Obrador administration granted the contract to Yazmín Bolaños López once again
The López Obrador administration granted the contract to Yazmín Bolaños López once again
Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL
Conacyt said the healthcare service is for 26 workers who filed a lawsuit against the science institute
It can’t be said that Mexico has an efficient health system since ill children don’t receive palliative care
The current government has embraced austerity as its banner
A report details the cost of the parade to celebrate the 109th anniversary of the Mexican revolution
Sea Shepherd activists reported nearly 80 small fishing boats with nets full of totoaba in the port of San Felipe, Baja California
The physical education budget is almost 3 times higher than what was allocated to special education
Mexico hasn't been able to sell the presidential plane because it is too extravagant and luxurious