Authorities are working on the reference terms and technical annexes for the bidding of the feasibility studies that will determine the best connectivity option
There will be biddings among specialized companies for 44 feasibility studies for the rehabilitation and rescue of Lake Texcoco
In the next days, there will be a bidding among specialized companies for the studies of the connectivity project through the injection of MXN $36.5 million, to analyze the feasibility and viability of the works of land interconnectivity solutions between the air terminals of Santa Lucía, AICM and the Toluca International Airport
The license has an effect of 50 years for the operation and maintenance of the facilities
Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL
Passengers who use Mexico City's airport pay an Airport Tax that will be used to pay off the Texcoco airport
In 2014, the aviation authority set a limit of 61 operations per hour, with a maximum of 40 landings
After December 1, there were forecasts that claimed the Executive Branch would dominate the other powers
Juez concede 2 suspensiones definitivas para congelar decisión sobre aeropuerto de Texcoco
Las sentencias del juez, dictadas en amparos tramitados contra la cancelación del NAIM, conceden que las cosas permanezcan en el estado en que se encuentran hasta que dicte sentencia definitiva de amparo
The suspension was granted to Juan Ramón Morera Mitre, the director of Novalan