El mandatario mexicano, Enrique Peña Nieto, tendría que enviar una propuesta al Senado a más tardar en diciembre próximo

For Agustín Carstens, the top central banker in Mexico, a rate hike by his neighbor sends an encouraging sign of economic health.

Analistas destacan su labor y opinan que sería favorable un segundo mandato

In a column in the newspaper Reforma on Sunday Bank of Mexico Gov. Agustin Carstens said the causes for the record drop are global and external to Mexico, with the dollar strengthening against currencies in both advanced and emerging countries.

Central bank Governor Agustin Carstens warned that higher borrowing costs could damp economic growth, but he said policymakers were ready to raise interest rates "in a timely manner."

La incertidumbre sobre cuándo la Fed elevará su tasa de interés ha provocado, entre otros factores, una severa depreciación del peso mexicano

With economic growth running at only slightly above 2%, business leaders have mainly held back from passing the increased costs of imported goods and materials on to consumers, but some now say they cannot continue to bear the full burden.

Agustín Carstens, Mexico's Central Bank Governor, said conditions should improve for the Mexican currency once market turbulence over possible rate increases by the U.S. Federal Reserve bank has receded.

El gobernador del Banco de México, Agustín Carstens, habló sobre la inflación y el alza en el dólar. Cortesía: Radio Fórmula