A group of scientists has discovered traces of organochlorine pesticides in the blood of children and pregnant women in the Laguna region
The education plan will seek to help organizations emerging from Mexico’s common lands (‘Ejidos’)
Chinampas are floating farms that were used to grow food in pre-Hispanic times
According to the National Agrarian Record (RAN), around 51% of the Mexican territory is socially owned
The new Ecubi platform developed by an Unitec graduate could help reduce food waste by 50 percent
The new strain is resistant to diseases and has a much higher yield than regular 'serrano' peppers
In recent years, Mexico's FND has benefited 1,921 avocado producers by granting MXN$105M in financing
Mexico will have to sent an 18-ton truck load of avocado every six minutes to meet the U.S.' demand
Segalmex will aim to promote agricultural productivity and food distribution among small producers
Mexico’s economy could contract in January due to a slowdown in activity caused by the fuel shortage