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It took 50 years for the San Diego Comic Con , the most famous event of its kind, to accept a Mexican film in its official program.
Las reglas de la ruina (The Rules of Ruin)
, a horror film starring Yunuén Pardo and Héctor Kotsifakis , will be screened on July 19 .
The San Diego Comic Convention (Comic-Con International) is a world-class nonprofit event organized for charitable purposes and dedicated to creating the general public’s awareness of and appreciation for comics and related popular art forms.
This renowned event features public presentations, exhibits, and other public outreach activities that celebrate the historic contribution of comics to art and culture.
“Though we are not yet sure why they chose to screen it, we will surely find out soon enough!” stated Frank Rodríguez, one of the film actors .

“I don’t know what it feels to win an Oscar, but this is probably just as important. Only the best of the best get to present their work here,” added Rodríguez.
“Las reglas de la ruina,” directed by Víctor Osuna , tells the story of a single mother who works long hours a day to keep her ailing daughter in the hospital. One day, a mysterious man arrives at her door offering her to work in the translation of an ancient book in exchange for a substantial sum of money. However, Minerva soon finds out that her decision will change her life and that of those around her forever.
However, the film still doesn’t have a release date in Mexico.