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Yalitza Aparicio
, the young actress that has stolen the hearts of those who have already watched “ Roma ”, Alfonso Cuarón 's new film, said in an interview that “she is full of joy” by the fact that she's considered as an actress.
“ Roma ” is a favorite to win the Oscar as the Best Foreign Language Film and the experts consider that it has great chances in this category, as well as in the Best Director , Best Photography , and Best Actress categories.
's case is quite peculiar.
She was born on Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca , in 1993. She has no previous acting experience . She accompanied her younger sister to the casting call but at the last moment, her sister backed down due to her pregnancy and convinced Yalitza to take part in the casting.
“It wasn't my intention to be there. Everything has been so unexpected,” she said.
“I was afraid that wasn't really a casting and that it was a trap. Those things never happen in my community. It was something new and strange. Then they invited me to Oaxaca and Mexico City and I couldn't believe it. They wouldn't tell me the director's name or details about the movie,” she explained.
Her acting skills captivated Cuarón , who personally offered her the role.
She also had to learn Mixteco , an i ndigenous language , but she had help from her best friend, who also appears in the film.
The film is an ode to matriarchy , where Cuarón was raised and a love letter to Libo , his nanny , who is played by Yalitza .
Cuarón tells the story of Cleo in black and white, an Indigenous maid hired by a bourgeois and apparently idyllic family from Mexico City.
has been awarded the New Hollywood Award at the Hollywood Film Awards.
Although she would like to keep acting, she knows she will have to prepare for new opportunities. In any case, she won't forge her true love : education ; she studied to become a pre-school teacher.
“I've always dreamed of pursuing that, but I also think that films and education go hand in hand. The difference is that films teach en masse,” Aparicio said, who claims that she's excited about the viewers' messages who, after watching the film, feel stronger to fight for their dreams .
The film will be released on Netflix on December 14 , and will also be available in some movie theaters starting on November 21.