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Sheinbaum espera diálogo de alto nivel para definir estrategias ante posibles deportaciones masivas; reitera protección a connacionales

Sheinbaum adelanta que habrá intervención por playas privadas por hoteles; “tiene que abrirse el espacio”, indica

Harfuch asegura que se ha logrado debilitar a “Los Chapitos” y “La Mayiza”; destaca baja en homicidios

Sheinbaum señala a la Corte de solicitar reunión “para pedir más presupuesto”; la elección judicial va, dice
Leer en español
Will the PRI and Morena join forces?
PRI Senators
say that, in contrast with lower chamber, Morena 's bench in the Senate , they faced a resounding no from them to join them in the modifications to the legal ruling in regards to the National Guard . We've been told that in contrast with what happened with the parliamentary leader in the lower chamber, René Juárez Cisneros , the PRI parliamentary coordinator in the Senate, Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong, doesn't agree with improving Morena's majority just because the President requested it. Nevertheless, there are some that say that the possibility of the PRI supporting Morena is totally out of the question or that at the end of the day, they will say there was a “dialogue, negotiations, and agreements” and that the PRI's bench, or some of its members, agreed to support Morena , So make your bets, will there be a PRI-Morena affair at the Senate ?
AMLO and Del Mazo's relationship
During his tour in the state of Mexico, President López Obrador , visited Atlacomulco , the cradle of the PRI in the state of Mexico, where he was accompanied by Governor Alfredo del Mazo Maza . On their way to Acambay from Ixtlahuaca , both politicians stopped to eat at a restaurant, where they were talking pleasantly about working coordinately in relevant issues, such as fuel theft . We've been told that there are trust and political civility relationship between the two.
The INE saves more money
After paying them MXN $70 million in three years and a half, the INE decide to cancel the contract with the liquidator of the Humanist Party , Dionisio Ramos Zepeda . The decision will be made official today at the INE's General Council . The institute's decision, they claim, has to do with budget measures because if these services continue, they will damage the institute. All this because the services were hired in disadvantageous conditions for the institute, that includes exorbitant payments.
Diversity at the Zavala family
Yesterday, we talked about the new party that the former PAN member, Margarita Zavala and we told you that her brother, Juan Ignacio , would have a position at the MC party . We've been told this is not the case. There's diversity in the Zavala family, as Juan Ignacio's son was the one who took a position at the MC party, not his father.