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México y EU tiene una área de negociación en seguridad: Martha Bárcena; “republicanos le tienen confianza a Harfuch”, dice

TEPJF ordena incluir a 112 aspirantes a elección judicial; fueron excluidos de forma indebida, argumenta

Senado alista reforma para combatir financiamiento al terrorismo y al narco; prevén iniciar revisión en fechas próximas

PAN cede sus comités como albergues para migrantes; Romero pide a Sheinbaum evitar guerra arancelaria con EU

“México no se raja”: Mexicanos se solidarizan con paisanos ante deportación masiva de Trump; respaldan a Sheinbaum

UNAM propone aumento del 4% en salario y 2% en prestaciones a académicos; falta aprobación del personal
Will the ASEA say no to López Obrador?
This week, the Security, Energy, and Environment Agency (ASEA) is expected to issue its environmental impact verdict in regards to the Dos Bocas refinery . We've been told that this project could obtain the same result as the Santa Lucía Airport : approved by environmental authorities, although there is a high risk of flooding , biodiversity in the area, the deforestation of 131 forest hectares for the construction of the project, as well as the displacement of 119 animal species . Could the ASEA say no to President López Obrador ?
The difference between Robles and Zebadúa
We've been told that while Emilio Zebadúa , a former high-ranking official at the Sedesol and Sedatu , is relaxing in Chiapas after obtaining a provisional suspension to prevent his arrest for his alleged involvement in the Master Fraud , his former boss, Rosario Robles , is locked up with her legal team , reading hundreds of documents and focusing on the arguments they will use before a judge on Monday, to prevent being charged with a crime .
Trouble in Baja California
Jaime Martínez Veloz
, who was the PRD candidate in Baja California , is fighting against the Governor-elect . The politician filed a lawsuit before the Attorney General's Office against whomever may be liable for the actions perpetrated by the lawmakers during the previous local legislature, who approved extending the governor's term from two to five years . There are rumors about alleged bribes . Meanwhile, the former PRD has an appointment with the FGR on August 12. Is there a way to prove a crime was committed?
Morena wants to cut the parties' funds
's parliamentary groups in the Senate and the l ower chamber have the intention to cut the parties' public funding by 50% or more during the incoming ordinary session. Nevertheless, Morena wants these changes to be established in the Constitution and that will require the opposition 's support since they have enough votes in the lower chamber but not on the Senate. We've been told that the opposition sees this proposal as a strategy to weaken them even more.