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“Me parece una película todo esto que vivimos”; Marino Arturo Zacarías relata el fin de su pesadilla a manos de rebeldes hutíes
Aumenta 144% detención de niños mexicanos solos que cruzan a EU; su trayecto los convierte en blancos del crimen
El desierto fronterizo entre México y EU un cementerio de documentos; “siempre ves pasaportes rotos aquí”, relatan
What do people think about the Mexican army?
After a few rough weeks, the Defense Ministry decided to launch a survey about its image and what did people think about the decision to release Ovidio Guzmán , as well as their opinion on the current security strategy . The results are quite interesting. According to the poll, 55.3% said the government was right to release Ovidio Guzmán, 38.5% said it was the wrong decision, and 6.2% didn't answer. In the case of people's opinion about the Mexican army , 62.5% said it is good, 26.4 said it is regular, and 10.1% said it was bad. When asked about the security strategy, 53% said it should be changed because it is showing no results, while 42.6% said it should be maintained, and 4.6% didn't answer. The poll was done online on Thursday and Friday throughout the country and around 2,500 people participated. The results were a relief for the Defense Ministry , especially in regard to the opinion people have about the army .
Against Santa Lucía
We've been told that today, there will be an event to protest against the construction of the Santa Lucía airport at the UNAM campus in Mexico City . The event will be attended by an Indigenous organization, Doce Pueblos Originarios de Tecámac , one of the main groups behind the writs of amparo filed against the new airport. There will also be rap musicians from the Indigenous community, as well as vegan food, and traditional medicine. This event will take place during a moment when the UNAM is about to appoint its new dean .
Cannabis regulations are urgent
The delay in the legislation of cannabis is being used by Chinese companies and companies from other countries to establish a black market in the country. In previous days, the Supreme Court gave the Senate 7 months to pass the reform about the decriminalization of marijuana . In the face of this scenario, the National Cannabis Industry Association , led by Guillermo Nieto , said it was urgent to issue regulations for national companies who are looking to use the plant's hemp , which is not a drug , so that they can compete against foreign products , which are now illegally sold in Mexico .
Mexico could have state-owned cannabis company
Mexico works to prevent illnesses
We've been told that after 30 years, the National Health Weeks will come to an end. Starting today, the government will launch the National Public Health Days. Their aim is to bring health services closer to Mexican people. The difference is that the program now looks to prevent illnesses and diagnose them in time and that other institutions like the IMSS , ISSSTE , Pemex , and the Navy Ministry will also participate. Will it actually prevent health issues or will it be a name change?