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, the famous shoes and apparel company received a lot of criticism after it announced the prizes for its Vans Royal Side Stripe 2019 , a skating contest, in Mexico .
announced that the prize for the male winner would be MXN $100,000, while the female winner would be given MXN $12,000, almost 10 times less than the male winner.
And after a lot of criticisms through social media , the company backtracked an announced that it was an “ unfortunate incident ” that would not be repeated in the future and announced that the winners , both female and male, would receive the same amount .
The first place will receive MXN $100,000, the second place will receive MXN $50,000, and the third place will receive MXN $30,000.
The company also announced that the money previously allocated for the female winner would be given to an organization that promotes sports among girls and women in Mexico .