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One of the virtues of democracy is that it allows open public discussions , where those who occupy the common space all participate. Another virtue is that the division of powers allows a mutual surveillance so that no one exceeds their authority. Nevertheless, the most important virtue is the institutional strength , as only through the strength of its structures it's possible to guarantee the future of society , of a country .
The tension between the Union's powers in our country continues and grows every day, as a result from the disagreements between the Executive and Legislative branches with the Judicial branch because of the Public Servants' Federal Remunerations Law.
Nevertheless, if the dispute isn't managed correctly by those who represent these powers, it could put the democratic stability in our country at risk . Precisely, these attributes, the public discussion, the power division, and the strength of the institutions should improve during this scenario to give visibility to the projects that are being proposed.
Mexico's President, Andrés Manuel López Obrado
r, has acknowledged a confrontation with the Judicial branch , without fights or insults: “It's fantastic that there's polemics. That is a democracy.” It's true, the foundation of democracy is the capacity to define a common future based on diversity and by solving conflicts through legal channels.
Through several decades, Mexico has made a tremendous effort to build strong institutions through which disagreement can be solved. Therefore, it's necessary to establish a dialogue between de Union's powers to find solutions to the differences that exist in a democracy .
Similarly, it's essential that the dialogue and solving of conflicts are carried out in order to find alternatives . The President is attending the Supreme Court president's work report tomorrow, and it should be a sign that civility will prevail.
The verbal abuse uttered by some legislators towards the Judicial branch shouldn't be allowed under any circumstances is we aspire to strengthen Mexican democracy . For their part, the Judicial branch should show the way to solve the disagreement through dialogue and legality.
This dispute between the powers should be solved through a democratic path. We should protect some of the most valuable virtues in our democracy : public discussions, respect among the Union's powers, and the strength of our institutions. The survival of the democracy in Mexico crosses this path.