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Científicos de la UNAM desarrollan lombricompostaje; una alternativa eficiente para el manejo de heces caninas
The National Autonomous University of Mexico ( Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México abbreviated UNAM ) awards the Honoris Causa degree to 11 Mexican and foreign professors and researchers for their " exceptional merits " along with their outstanding contribution to society and the country.
The ceremony was held in the Mining Palace ( Palacio de Minería ) in an extraordinary session of the University Council , where the honorees were presented with their mortarboard, medal, and diploma, insignias of the honorary degree.
María Francisca Atlántida Coll Oliva, María de las Mercedes Guadalupe de la Garza y Camino, Luis Esteva Maraboto, Víctor García de la Concha, Enrique González Pedrero, Jaime Labastida Ochoa, Eduardo Matos Moctezuma, Leonardo Padura Fuentes, Ranulfo Romo Trujillo, Silvia Torres Castilleja, and Josefina Zoraida Vázquez Vera were the professors and researchers awarded.