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Google, Twitter, and Whatsapp
will not have to pay taxes with Mexico’s fiscal package 2020 .
However, digital hosting apps such as Airbnb will have to catch up with tax authorities just like any other hotel.
Deputy Secretary of the Finance Ministry, Gabriel Yorio
, explained to Mexican senators that these digital economy companies are not considered in the scheme proposed by the Executive power and that was endorsed by congresspeople.
In a reunion of the Joint Committee on Finance and Legislative Studies , he exposed that although there has been a lot of confusion regarding which companies will be affected, only those belonging to services are being included.
Apps related to generating publicity and cloud storage are left out from these measures.
“This means that related companies like Google, Twitter, and Whatsapp do not fit in the services charging regime,” he clarified.
He said that only those of hotel services are included to level the playing field.
Both in hotel and hosting services, VAT is applied and it generates income, he said.
That is why, he said, it is a very delimited initiative that allows preparing the ground for a digital economy tax structure .
He said authorities will hold meetings with the service sector every two months to assess the application of the regulation.
He asserted that those companies that have to comply with the fiscal package will have a year t o adapt their systems; the new regulation will come into effect on June 2020 .
He thinks it is enough time if compared to what happened in the banking sector with the codes for the payment of revenues and products.