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México buscará mantener esquema CBP One en EU; “ayuda mucho para evitar la presión fronteriza”: Sheinbaum

RNR acusa recorte presupuestal pese a aumento de violencia contra mujeres; en 2024 hubo un alza histórica, precisa

De la Fuente: Sigue el censo para los connacionales afectados por incendios en Los Ángeles; no hay mexicanos fallecidos
Trump had a lot to say about López Obrador
We've been told yesterday, during the negotiations between Mexican and U.S. officials to discuss the tariffs proposed by Donald Trump , there were some positive signs. Vice president Mike Pence welcomed the Mexican delegation led by Marcelo Ebrard and transmitted a message sent by Trump : he is really interested in working with President López Obrador . We've been told that the U.S. leader also said, through Pence, that he has a high opinion and respect for López Obrador . Coming from Donald Trump , the message was considered as a compliment and a ray of light that shows that agreements can be reached to stop the tariffs threat. Today will be key.
The government has an expensive palate
It would be convenient to reveal who is behind the contracts to purchase gourmet food for public offices , signed with Pigudi Gastronómico . While some sectors complain that the government budget is restricted, this company was signed contracts worth MXN $48 million is less six months. At this rate, this company will make more money than the MXN $402 million it earned during Peña Nieto 's administration. Perhaps Pigudi Gastronómico is awarded the contracts because it's a very competitive company , although its prices aren't, as it charges the government MXN $140 for beers that are MXN $85 at the supermarket. Pigudi ignores these are austere times?
Mario Delgado goes to Washington
's parliamentary coordinator Mario Delgado decided to travel to Washington to talk to Democrat and Republican lawmakers about Trump's tariffs and how they will affect both countries, by himself and without previous agreements with other Mexican parties . Delgado talked to the U.S. Congress members , who he believes don't agree with the tariffs. Nevertheless, his parliamentary diplomatic visit surprised other lawmakers, the vice-president of the lower chamber , Marco A. Adame questioned Delgado for attending these meeting by himself and said Delgado was dismissing the Mexican Congress in a very important issue.
Emmanuel Reyes Carmona believes in Naasón Joaquín
The best way to show the world that you are faithful to your religious leaders is by posting about them on social media during hard times. This is exactly what the f ederal deputy Emmanuel Reyes Carmona did, he took his religious beliefs to social media . Reyes Carmona shared pictures of his visits to The Light of the World church and showed the huge portrait he has of Naasón Joaquín García at home, the leader of the church and who was accused of raping minors, producing child pornography, and human trafficking in the U.S.